Cómo presentar una queja o agradecimiento  al Departamento de Policía de Somerville

Valoramos su opinión, ya sea positiva o negativa. Aunque apreciamos escuchar cuando un oficial ha realizado su trabajo bien, es de vital importancia que también seamos informados si usted tiene un encuentro negativo con uno de nuestros oficiales y desea presentar una queja.

Las Reclamaciones Formales y las Agradecimientos pueden presentarse de tres maneras:

Si necesita ayuda de traducción  para enviar su queja o agradecimiento, el Programa de Servicios y Alcance  dela Comunidad Inmigrante de Somerville; SomerViva  puede ayudarle. Por favor, póngase en contacto con This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. o al 617-625-6600 extensión 2122.

  1. Llenar el formulario que aparece a continuación (el mismo formulario puede ser utilizado para quejas o agradecimientos)
  2. Llame a nuestra línea de emergencia 24/7 al 617-625-1600, o
  3. Hable con el Comandante de turno 24/7 en el Edificio de Seguridad Pública en 220 Washington St. en Union Square.
  4. Agradecimientos informales también pueden ser enviados en AQUI.

Formulario formal de queja o de agradecimiento

Para presentar una queja o enviar las gracias, por favor descargue y llene el siguiente formulario. Puede enviárnoslo por correo electrónico, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. o dejarlo en:

 Somerville Police Department  Download Adobe Reader PDF
 Attn: Professional Standards  Formulário de Quejas (Ingles)
 220 Washington St  Formulário de Quejas (Español)
 Somerville MA, 02143  Formulário de agradecimento o quejas (Português)
   Formulário de agradecimento (Ingles)

Responding to Allegations of Misconduct:

Somerville Police Department Professional Standards detail how the SPD responds to allegations of misconduct. To review the standards, please click, HERE.


A relationship of trust between the employees of the Somerville Police Department and the citizens of essential. All police employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner as to reflect favorably on themselves and the department. To a large degree, the public image of the department is determined by how well it responds to allegations of misconduct against the department or its officers.

To that end, the objectives of an internal affairs investigation are to protect the public, the employee and the department. In addition, internal affairs investigations can be used to correct department-wide training issues as well as the removal of unfit personnel.

All alleged or suspected violations of laws, ordinances, by-laws, department rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and orders, both verbal and written, must be investigated according to the procedures outlined for each.


It is the policy of the Somerville Police Department to:

A. Investigate all complaints, including anonymous complaints, against the department, or employees of the department, regardless of the source of the complaint, through the use of regulated, fair, and impartial process.

B. Determine whether or not complaints are valid and proceed accordingly before asking an officer to submit a station report or interview.

C. Take appropriate action when necessary.

Translated Pages


Lt. Michael Perrone

Profesisonal Standards Office

Phone: 617-625-1600 Ext. 7211

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.