GARY JONES Age: 45 |
Date of Arrest: |
7/3/24 |
Booking Number: |
TSOE202400174 |
Address: |
103 Gilman St Somerville MA 02144 |
Charges: |
On Wednesday, July 3rd 2024 at 10:24pm, Somerville Police Control received a call regarding a dog whose mouth had been tied shut on the back porch of 103 Gilman Street #1.
I, Officer Barton (E1) along with Officers Bork (E4), Pavao (E3) and Lorenti (E2) responded to that location.
Upon arrival, Officers made their way to the rear of the house and on to the back porch of 103 Gilman St. #2 where I observed what appeared to be a young German Shepherd, leashed to the railing of the back porch of apartment #1, with something tied around its mouth and a red/pink rash on its back.
At this point, Animal Control Officer Taylor was requested.
Officers then went around to the outside of the porch of apartment #2 to gain a better view of the dog which is when we were able to determine the object around the dog's snout was a muzzle. At this time and from the low angle from which we were standing, Officers were unable to get a better view of the rash on the dog's back (Video Attached).
I would like to note that the porch was inaccessible from outside due to the immense trash build up in the back of the house and in the alley. I would also like to note that due to the large amount of trash scattered in the rear of the property, Officers observed several rats both on the porch as well as in the alley.
Officers then went to the apartment and knocked on the door, where we were met by an individual later identified as XXXX.
XXXX asked what we were doing knocking on his door and when the situation was explained to him, he stated that dog was not his but a friend's, and that the friend went to the store for some errands about an hour ago and would be back in 10 minutes.
We told XXXX that his friend needed to get back to the apartment ASAP, which prompted him to make a phone call.
While waiting for the dog's owner to return, XXXX kept asking a variance of questions such as "All this for a dog?" "This is crazy, it's just a dog man."
I would like to note XXXX continued making comments of this nature throughout the duration that Somerville Police were on scene.
Officer Bork was on the phone with Animal Control Officer Taylor who was on route and when she described the conditions that the dog was in, it was determined that the situation was urgent and that there was exigent circumstances to retrieve the dog.
Officers then walked through the house to the back porch, where we observed the dog up close.
The German Shepherd was tied by a leash to a wooden post on the back porch with the muzzle around its snout (Photo Attached). It was determined that the red/pink rash on the dog's back was a visual illusion cast by a small tinted light. While on the back porch, Officers noticed the dog's nails were overgrown and that it was walking with a limp in its rear legs, as if they were injured (Photo Attached).
Officers then brought the dog out to the front of the house to wait for the owner.
The owner then arrived and was identified as Gary JONES. JONES stated that he had just moved into the apartment today (6/3/24) with his dog Sam and was in a rush to go to work at Home Depot for his 6pm to 10pm shift, so he muzzled his dog since it was an unfamiliar location for her before leaving for work.
JONES stated that he was late for work because he was taking care of Sam and arrived roughly at 7pm at Home Depot.
It was determined that Sam was tied up outside and muzzled from approximately 6pm to 10:30pm (roughly 4.5 hours).
I would like to note that the weather conditions for the 02145 zip code area were an average of 74 degrees with a humidity of 52% from the time of 5:54pm to 10:54pm.
I would also like to note that Sam's muzzle prevented her from panting or drinking water, as evident by the full bowl of water on the back porch and behavior at the kennel in a video provided by Animal Control Officer Taylor of Sam drinking water and eating food rapidly roughly 30 minutes after Animal Control's arrival (Video Attached).
Because the muzzle appeared weathered and worn as if it had been used often, it was confiscated, tagged and placed into evidence.
Animal Control Officer Taylor confirmed that JONES was in possession of proof of ownership and medical bills for up to date care on SAM, including the most recent visit to the Vet to be on 5/30/24.
Based on the factors previously mentioned as well as Sam's thin appearance, it was Animal Control Officer Taylor's professional opinion that Sam was abused/neglected (Please see Animal Control Officer Taylor's supplemental for additional information).
JONES was then placed under arrest and transported to Somerville Police Headquarters by Unit 200, operated by Officer M. Canty and booked by Lt. Shackelford.
JONES will be charged with the following:
c272 S.77/B - Animal, Cruelty to by Custodian
Officer Barton #367
Somerville Police Department