MATTHEW J SONI                                                                                                       Age: 40

Date of Arrest:


Booking Number:



174 Summer St. 1 Somerville MA 02144



1 count OUI LIQUOR



On Monday, May 27, 2024, I Officer Paul Beckford was on duty with the Somerville Police Department east 3 (E3). At approximately 6:23AM, I was dispatched to 217 Summer Street for a motor vehicle accident.

                Upon arrival, Massachusetts registration XXXX was lodged into a stone wall. The vehicle has heavy front end damage and all air bags have been deployed. The passanger side of the vehicle had a fire hydrant lodged into it, which tore a hole from the front passanger door to the rear passanger door. The reporting party was a Mr. XXXX. Mr. XXXX stated that he was in bed sleeping and he heard a loud bang outside his home. He stated that he immediately got out of bed and looked out the window. Mr. XXXX stated that he ran outside to check on his property and the driver. Mr. XXXX stated that Mr. Matthew Soni, which is the owner and operator of Massachusetts registration XXXX stumbled out of vehicle. Mr. XXXX stated "Are you ok?" "You crashed into my property." "Thank God you didn't hit anyone." Mr. Soni replies the Mr. XXXX "Well it was just your property, not a person."

                During my interview with Mr. Soni he appeared to be unsteady on his feet and at times he would use his arms for balance. Mr. Soni had a strong oder of alcohol beverage coming from his person. Mr. Soni's eyes were both glassy and red. Mr. Soni stated that he work's at The Abbey as a bartender in Cambridge, MA. Mr. Soni stated that he did have a couple of drinks but was unsure how many he had. He stated that he was driving home and he lose control of his vehicle. Mr. Soni stated that he believes he ran over a stick in the road that caused his accident. There were no sticks in the area and I informed Mr. Soni that it didn't seem possible for a stick to be the cause of his accident. Mr. Soni made it seem like his vehicle slipped on a banana peel. Cataldo was on scene, and they were able to treat his wounds. Mr. Soni refused medical treatment. I informed, Mr. Soni that I would like to administer a field sobriety test. The weather condition was a light mist and there was enough light outside due to the sun. Mr. Soni had no medical condition and does not wear corrective lenses.

                The first test was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN). I instructed Mr. Soni on how to perform the HGN. I had to stop Mr. Soni several times because he was not following my directions. During the HGN there was a lack of smooth pursuit, and sustained HGN at maximum deviation. The second field sobriety test I instructed, and demonstrated was the walk and turn. Mr. Soni was very unsteady on his feet and he was using his arms for balance. Mr. Soni tried to start while I was still instructing. Mr. Soni consistently fell off the line and he did not do heel to toe as instructed. Mr. Soni did a Michael Jackson spin for the turn, which was improper and also not what I instructed or demonstrated. At no point did Mr. Soni count out loud. Mr. Soni was supposed to take 9 steps back, which he exceeding that number by taking 12 steps instead on 9. The third field sobriety test that I instructed and demonstrated was the one leg stand. Mr. Soni utilized his arms to maintain balance. Mr. Soni placed his foot on the ground several times. Mr. Soni did not raise his foot off the ground correctly. Instead he bent his knee at a 90 degree angle, and he hopped numerous times on one leg to try and gain balance. Mr. Soni was placed under arrest for Operating Under the Influence (OUI). Mr. Soni was transport to the Somerville Police station by Officer Charle O'Leary with our transport vehicle (200). At the station Mr. Soni was booked in the usual manner by Sergeant Steve St. Hilaire.

Respectfully submitted

Officer: Paul Beckford

Badge: 319