AYGIANA JEAN-PIERRE                                                                                                       Age: 24

Date of Arrest:


Booking Number:



35 Woods Ave Hyde Park MA 02136






On May 21, 2024, I, Officer McAloney, was assigned to marked unit East-4. At approximately 11:45 AM, I was dispatched to 450 Artisan Way in Assembly Row for a report of a female that had shoplifted from three stores and would not leave the property. Officer Ubeda, East-3 responded as back up.

On scene, I was met by Mr. XXXX, a security manager of Assembly Row property. XXXX stated the female had entered J. Crew Factory (600 Assembly Row), Coach Outlet (561 Assembly Row), and CVS (495 Grand Union Blvd.) and was asked to be removed at each location due to multiple prior shoplifting incidents. XXXX pointed out the female in question.

The female identified herself as Ms. XXXX with a date of birth of XXXX. I then asked her how old it would make her and she stated "I don't know". I then asked her again what her name was and she gave another that I could not understand.

I noticed a bulge in the females stomach area which she stated was her shirt. The suspect was wearing a skirt. For privacy purposes, I brought her to the back of my marked cruiser and removed the item. The item was a bathing suit cover up from Aerie with the security tag still on it. The suspect could not provide a receipt.

When asked if the suspect had stolen any other items she stated she had not. I advised her I would be searching her other property to which she replied, the whole CVS bag containing multiple miscellaneous items, a pair of bikini bottoms in an Aerie bag, and two bottles from Bath and Body Works were all stolen as well (photos attached). There also was no receipts in her property for the purchases.

The suspect then stated she was only 13 years old. Officer Ubeda, advised her we were going to call her mother and have her be picked up. She then gave the name of Ms. Aygiana JEAN-PIERRE with a date of birth of XXXX, she stated she was 24.

Based on my the facts presented to me, I placed JEAN-PIERRE under arrest for three counts of c266 S30A, Shoplifting. Unit 200, operated by Officer Taylor, was requested to transport her back to Somerville Police Headquarters, where she was booked in the usual manner by Sgt. St. Hillaire.

Assembly Secuirty took all the stolen property and returned it back to each location. JEAN-PIERRE was verbally tresspassed from Assembly Row.


Officer Keighla McAloney
