Somerville Is Looking For Crossing Guards
Crossing Guards provide essential public safety by ensuring safe student crossing at intersections along the routes to school.
- Salary is $37.00 per day.
- Uniforms and on-the-job training provided.
- Access to a motor vehicle is preferred but not required.
- Work BOTH mornings and afternoons based on school year calendar.
- Must pass a pre-employment CORI and drug screen.
Applications are available and must be submitted to City Hall Personnel Office 93 Highland Ave. Somerville, MA 02143 or by Fax: (617) 666-4426. You can also E-mail resumes to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Inquiries can be referred to School Safety Officer Sean Sylvester at: (617) 625-1600 Ext. 7248 or by E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..