Beyond CIT Synergy Award

On Thursday May 5, 2022, the Metro Boston CIT TTAC (MB CIT-TTAC) hosted their second annual Beyond CIT event at the Boston Marriot in Peabody. This year’s theme was “Synergy” and celebrated the essential collaborations between public health agencies and law enforcement in order to best serve the complex needs of our communities. The evening began with a premiere of the documentary, “The COHR Solution: A Community Response to a Fragmented System”, which highlights how CIT has been implemented in Somerville through the Community Outreach, Help & Recovery Unit (COHR) and is available to view at The Keynote for the evening, Ernest Stevens, a former police officer with the San Antonio Police Department and star of the Emmy winning HBO documentary “Ernie & Joe Crisis Cops”, talked about the incredible work he is dong with the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council as the Crisis Response and Resiliency Manager. Ernie talked about different ways to coordinate and communicate across systems in order to provide care for the most vulnerable of our community members. The night ended with Synergy Awards, highlighting several individuals and departmental exceptional efforts to partner and collaborate in Somerville. Somerville Police Department, Stoneham Police Department, Gloucester Police Department, and Haverhill Police Department were recognized for their hard work and dedication to the CIT Initiative. Congratulations to Somerville Officers Mark McLaughlin, Priscilla Ribeiro, Christopher Fusco, Courtney Reece, and COHR staff Cheryl Delafano who were all recognized for their commitment to community members impacted by behavioral health! 
