Life Saving Medals Awarded to Three Somerville Police Officers
Officers James Torres, Joseph Moreira and Thomas Lambert received award medals.
On November 18, 2020, at approximately 1:38 p.m., multiple units were dispatched to a residence on Medford St., for a reported overdose. Officer James Torres and Officer Joseph Moreira arrived at the residence first and observed a female running out the back door. Shortly after, the roommate of the victim arrived at the door to allow responding units inside.
Officers Torres and Officer Moreira were directed to a room where they observed an unresponsive male laying on the floor. At this time, Officer Thomas Lambert also arrived on the scene to assist. Officers saw uncapped needles and other drug paraphernalia scattered throughout the room. They recognized that the victim was overdosing on narcotics and began to provide emergency medical aid by administering Narcan to the victim. In between doses, they continuously checked for a pulse and used the sternum rub technique to elicit a response.
Acknowledging that the area was not safe for the victim and the first responders to continue rendering aid, the victim was moved to a safer location in the residence and continued providing medical aid. The victim began responding to the third dose of Narcan, and once alert was immediately defensive and combative.
All three officers had been CIT trained and used their de-escalation skills to calm the victim. The victim eventually willingly walked out to the ambulance and thanked all first responders and was transported to the hospital for further evaluation.
The officers’ immediately recognized that the victim was in distress were calm and decisive under pressure in order to save the victim’s life. They quickly started administered first aid without regard for their personal safety due to the condition of the room containing scattered substances and drug paraphernalia. Their lifesaving aid and de-escalation skills resulted in a safe and successful outcome for the victim and everyone present assisting the victim. Based on these events, Officers Moreira, Torres and Lambert are awarded the Life Saving Medal.