
This Junior Police Academy is a week-long program designed to expose youth in grades 6th, 7th and 8th to role models in public safety as well as develop skills in emergency planning and teamwork.

This Junior Police Academy will host a variety of training situations for all cadets participating. Training will include classroom training, physical fitness and field trips to other events and activities. The Somerville Police Department is glad to join other neighboring city police departments, such as; Everett and Malden, who also follow this Junior Police Academy model this summer. Somerville Police’s Junior Police Academy first session will begin Monday, July 9th through 13th. Followed by a second session for additional students August 6th through 10th. Enrollment is free! Please register online. 

Register Here

This program could not have been possible without the support and collaboration of the Somerville, MA Parks and Recreation Department.

For more information about this program and similar programs provided by the Somerville Recreation please visit their website below.

Junior Police Academy 2018 Photos

Take a Look at Last Year's Junior Police Academy 2017!