The City of Somerville has implemented a program to take a proactive approach toward protecting some of Somerville's most vulnerable citizens who suffer from serious cognitive impairments that put them at risk for wandering and getting lost.
One out of six people with dementia will get lost.
There is no proven way to predict when someone might wander and it only takes a moment for a caregiver to get distracted.
Most importantly, those wandering may not be dressed appropriately for the extreme weather, may need food, water or an important medication.
In Somerville, our Police Department and the Council on Aging are joining forces and putting together a recovery plan designed to provide rapid response in locating cognitively impaired residents who have been reported missing.
The odds of finding a lost person improve dramatically if you are prepared.
The At Risk Persons Alert Program is designed to collect specific information about a potential missing person, along with photo identification. This confidential information will be kept for immediate use in the event a loved one is reported missing.
We encourage residents with a loved one suffering from serious cognitive impairment to stop by the Council on Aging office located at 167 Holland Street for a registration packet. For more information or to register, please contact Ashley Speliotis.
Contact Info: Ashley SpeliotisCouncil on Aging617-625-1600 x 2310This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.